ICM Distinguished Seminar Series


Challenges in Infectious Disease Dynamics: highlighting

work at Johns Hopkins Infectious Disease Dynamics


Derek Cummings, PhD


Department of Epidemiology

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Derek Cummings, PhD is a professor of Epidemiology and of Biomedical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University where he created the Infectious Disease Dynamics group. His research focuses on understanding the transmission dynamics of various infectious diseases, including dengue, influenza, measles, hepatitis C, and chikungunya. He employs a combination of field studies and theoretical models to analyze disease spread and evaluate control strategies.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Homewood Campus, Clark 110


Faculty Hosts: Dr. Joel Bader, and Dr. Alison Hill

JHU - Institute for Computational Medicine