Tag: Rachel Karchin

Software Hunts for Malignant Mutations


Cancer cells develop lots of mutations, but not all of them are relevant. Finding the 5 percent to 20 percent that are worth studying can be time consuming. Now, a team of Johns Hopkins engineers has developed groundbreaking computer software that will help narrow in on those relevant suspects. Rachel Karchin, an assistant professor of […]

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Computational process zeroes in on top genetic cancer suspects


ICM Faculty Dr. Rachel Karchin and and Ph.D. Graduate Student Hannah Carter have been featured in the JHU Gazette for their work published in the August 15 issue of Cancer Research. “Johns Hopkins engineers have devised innovative computer software that can sift through hundreds of genetic mutations and highlight the DNA changes that are most […]

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Debattama Sen named semi-finalist in Intel Science competition


Debattama Sen, a Montgomery Blair high school senior working with Dr. Rachel Karchin, has been named a semi-finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search competition by the Society for Science & the Public. Her project is “Agent-based simulation of PI3K/Akt pathway activation in breast cancer”.

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Two New Faculty Appointments at the Institute for Computational Medicine


  The Johns Hopkins University’s Institute for Computational Medicine is pleased to announce that two new faculty, Dr. Natalia Trayanova and Dr. Rachel Karchin, will be joining us in the next several months. Natalia Trayanova, Ph.D. who is currently a Professor at Tulane University in the Department of Biomedical Engineering as well as the Director […]

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JHU - Institute for Computational Medicine