Silu Men, ICM undergraduate student, receives 2019 PURA

Silu Men, a rising junior in biomedical engineering, is one of 30 recipients of the 2019 Summer Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA). This summer, Silu will be working on his proposal titled, “Using Functional Connectivity to Understand the Relationship between Value-Driven Attention Capture and Electroencephalography Data” in the lab of Sridevi Sarma, associate professor of biomedical engineering and associate director of ICM. He will also present at Johns Hopkins Career, Academic, and Research Experience for Students (CARES).
PURA was established in 1993 by The Hodson Trust to encourage undergraduates to engage in independent research, scholarly, and creative activities. PURA provides recipients with $4000 to support research under the guidance of of a JHU mentor and living expenses over the summer.