News & Announcements

New LS-SNP/PDB genome-wide annotation tool available


LS-SNP is a web tool for genome-wide annotation of human SNPs. The current version, LS-SNP/PDB, provides information useful for identifying amino-acid changing SNPs (nsSNPs) that are most likely to have an impact on biological function. The system is kept up-to-date by an automated, high-throughput build pipeline that systematically maps human nsSNPs onto Protein Data Bank […]

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Debattama Sen named semi-finalist in Intel Science competition


Debattama Sen, a Montgomery Blair high school senior working with Dr. Rachel Karchin, has been named a semi-finalist in the 2009 Intel Science Talent Search competition by the Society for Science & the Public. Her project is “Agent-based simulation of PI3K/Akt pathway activation in breast cancer”.

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Lukas Rantner receives DOC fellowship award


Lukas Rantner, a PhD student with Natalia Trayanova, received the prestigious DOC fellowship award from the Austrian Academy of Sciences. This is a 2-year fellowship awarded to “highly qualified doctoral students, irrespective of their research area”. This highly competitive fellowship is awarded based on international peer review of the applicant’s detailed research proposal.

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ICM has received a $2 million shared instrumentation grant from NIH’s National Center for Research Resources


The Institute for Computational Medicine (ICM) has received a $2 million shared instrumentation grant from the NIH’s National Center for Research Resources to acquire, at a minimum configuration, a 256 dual quad-core node cluster computer with 1 petabyte of storage. This computer will become the major shared computing resource used by the faculty, students, and […]

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Dr. Tilak Ratnanather and Shane Steinert-Threlkeld awarded fellowship


Congratulations to Dr. Tilak Ratnanather and undergraduate Mathematics/Philosophy student Shane Steinert-Threlkeld. They were awarded a Technology Fellowship from the Center for Educational Resources. They will be developing an on-line course titled “Introduction to Mathematical Methods for Computational Medicine”. The project carries an award of $4,000 for Shane, and $1,000 to Dr. Ratnanather.

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Congratulations to this year’s Raj and Neera Singh Undergraduate Fellows!


Grace Tan will be mentored by Dr. Natalia Trayanova. Her project will focus on using a computational model of a three-dimensional cardiac tissue wedge to study how structural and biophysical remodeling that occurs in heart failure influences vulnerability of the heart to arrhythmic wave patterns . Grace is a rising junior in the Biomedical Engineering […]

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Dr. Natalia Trayanova selected as a Fellow of the Heart Rhythm Society.


Dr. Natalia Trayanova has been selected as a Fellow of the Heart Rhythm Society. The most distinguished level of the society, Fellow status recognizes members who have realized significant professional achievement, provided exceptional service and are prominent in the field of cardiac arrhythmia research and treatment. Dr. Trayanova will be honored at the upcoming annual […]

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ICM Graduate Student Laura Doyle awarded NDSEG Fellowship


ICM Graduate student Laura Doyle has been awarded a 2008 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship for heart failure research. Laura is currently implementing a model of the Rabbit myocyte with the goal of improving on its calcium handling. This model will be used in conjunction with wet lab data from collaborators to […]

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JHU - Institute for Computational Medicine