Core Faculty

JOEL BADER | j[email protected]
Interim Director, Institute for Computational Medicine and Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare
Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests:  Synthetic yeast, algorithms to discover modules in networks, wiring diagrams for cells and organisms, anchoring protein pathways with genetic screens, evolution of biological networks, and whole genome association.
Full Faculty Profile | Lab Website


RAIMOND WINSLOW | [email protected]
Raj and Neera Singh Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Computational modeling of intracellular signaling, metabolism and electrical excitability in cardiac myocytes; Integrative modeling of cardiac function in health and disease; Biomedical data representation and database design; Grid-computing and data-sharing
Full Faculty Profile

WILLIAM S. ANDERSON | [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery
Research Interests: Computational modeling of the central nervous system, modeling of electric fields applied to neuronal networks, microelectrode recordings in humans, and neuromodulation system design
Full Faculty Profile

NICOLAS CHARON | [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Research Interests: Shape analysis, geometry, medical Imaging and computational anatomy.
Full Faculty Profile

NATHAN CRONE | [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Neurology
Research InterestsHuman functional brain mapping, cognitive neuroscience, and brain-computer interfaces using intracranial EEG
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DONALD GEMAN | [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Research InterestsComputational biology, computer vision, and statistical learning
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ALISON HILL | [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: mathematical models and computational tools to help understand, predict, and treat infectious diseases, with a particular focus on human viral infections including HIV/AIDS
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RACHEL KARCHIN | [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Prediction of functional consequences of genetic variants and susceptibility to diseases through computation, by integrating information from molecular modeling and sequence analysis with clinical patient data and in vitro functional studies;  inherited cancer susceptibilities and gain of function mutations in tumor genomes
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FEILIM MAC GABHANN | [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor signaling in cancer, Promoting vascular endothelial growth factor signaling in ischemic disease, Microvascular network organization, Impact of extracellular matrix on VEGF signaling, Molecular mechanisms of small-genome diseases: host-virus interactions of HIV
Full Faculty Profile

MICHAEL I. MILLER | [email protected]
Massey Professor and Director, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Image understanding and computer vision, medical imaging and computational anatomy, computational neuroscience
Full Faculty Profile

RAJAT MITTAL  | [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests: Computational fluid dynamics, LES/DNS, Immersed Boundary Methods, low Reynolds number aerodynamics, fluid dynamics of locomotion (swimming & flying), biomedical flows, biomimetics & bioinspired engineering, active flow control, turbomachinery flows.
Full Faculty Profile | Lab Website

TILAK RATNANATHER  | [email protected]
Associate Research Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Shape analysis of hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, planum temporale, superior temporal gyrus, auditory cortex and medial prefrontal cortex implicated in schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, depression, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, speech and language processing. Micromechanics of cochlear outer hair cell. Nonlinear PDEs in boundary layer separation and EPDiff. Mobile apps for auditory training.
Full Faculty Profile | Lab Website

SUCHI SARIA  | [email protected]
John C. Malone Associate Professor of Computer Science
Research Interests: Machine learning, data mining and statistical models of time series, health Systems Engineering, predictive models, decision support, tailored treatment recommendations, disease risk assessment
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SRIDEVI SARMA  | [email protected]
Associate Director, Institute for Computational Medicine 
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Developing control-oriented input-output models, designing feedback control algorithms, developing point process models, automated seizure foci localization, brain Machine Interactive Control of Fast and Loaded Movements, automated seizure detection
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CASEY OVERBY TAYLOR  | [email protected]
Associate Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Biomedical data science, comparative effectiveness research, decision support systems, translational bioinformatics, clinical research informatics, public health genomics, precision medicine.
Full Faculty Profile | 


NATALIA TRAYANOVA  | [email protected]
Murray B. Sachs Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering 
Research Interests: Normal and pathological electrophysiological and electromechanical heart behavior, image-based descriptions of the geometry and structure of the heart, cardiac arrhythmogenesis and cardiac electromechanical interactions, defibrillation, infarct-related ventricular ablation, and cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Full Faculty Profile | Lab Website

RENE VIDAL  | [email protected]
Herschel L. Seder Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Big data science, machine learning, computer vision, computational anatomy, dynamical systems
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JOSHUA VOGELSTEIN  | [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests: Big data science, computational and statistical connectomics, synactic diversity, and electron microscopy connectomics.
Full Faculty Profile | Lab Website

LAURENT YOUNES  | [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Research Interests: Statistical properties of Markov Random Fields, image analysis, deformation analysis, and shape recognition
Full Faculty Profile

JHU - Institute for Computational Medicine