“Bridging Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Anticancer Drugs with Systems Pharmacology”
James M. Gallo [PharmD., Ph.D.] is a Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. His research program is focused on pharmacokinetic [PK]- and pharmacodynamic [PD]-directed drug therapy of brain tumors. Ongoing projects are formulated on systems-based approaches using both in vitro and in vivo studies that allow us to build mechanistic PK/PD models of anticancer drugs. He is a reviewer for numerous journals and grants and has over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles. His research is funded by NIH and occasionally by private foundations.
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“Bridging Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Anticancer Drugs with Systems Pharmacology”
The limited success of drug discovery and development pipelines has caused a significant reassessment of how drugs are developed and has opened the door for systems pharmacology. As part of these efforts pharmacokinetic [PK]/pharmacodynamic [PD] approaches – a staple of drug development – may be recast in the systems domain to provide greater mechanistic insight and translatability between preclinical and clinical investigations. The talk will provide an overview of drug development practices and present vignettes of systems-based PK/PD approaches of anticancer drugs including cell-type specific PK/PD models, precision medicine and virtual patient simulations. Systems pharmacology is well-poised to reformulate drug development strategies and improve drug therapy.