News & Announcements

Nicolas Charon receives NSF CAREER Award


Nicolas Charon, assistant professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and a member of the Institute for Computational Medicine, is a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Early CAREER Award, which recognizes early stage scholars with high levels of promise and excellence. Charon’s research focuses on shape analysis and its applications to medical […]

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Adriana Gonzalez selected for Hopkins MD-PhD Program


Each year over 500 students apply to the Medical Scientist Training Program, a combined MD-PhD program at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The highly competitive program selects an average class size of 16 students. Meet Adriana Gonzalez, a second year PhD student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, who is among the select group […]

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Dante Basile and Julia Costacurta Receive 2019-20 PURA Awards


Dante Basile, a BME sophomore in the ICM laboratory of Natalia Trayanova, Murray B. Sachs Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and Julia Costacurta a BME senior the lab of Sridevi Sarma, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Associate Director of ICM, are among the 40 recipients of the 2019-20 Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA). Dante’s proposal […]

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Mosquitoes use specialized wing tones to buzz potential mates


Mosquitoes flap their wings not just to stay aloft but for two other critical purposes: to generate sound and to point that buzz in the direction of a potential mate, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have discovered. Their findings about the aerodynamics of mosquito wings could have implications for building quieter drones and for devising […]

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Joel Bader receives NSF Rules of Life award


The National Science Foundation has issued its first ever Rules of Life awards totaling $36 million to accelerate two areas of next-generation science and engineering research: building a synthetic cell, and epigenetics. “Discovering the rules governing life on earth is a grand scientific challenge that holds the potential to enhance the U.S. position as a […]

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Rajat Mittal awarded Human Frontier Science Program research grant


 Rajat Mittal, professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and ICM faculty member, is one of three Hopkins researchers to receive a grant from the Human Frontier Science Program. Mittal received the award for his work studying the communicative properties of mosquito movements. Founded by a collective of scientists from around the world, the selective […]

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